Section 3 Additional Resources

Recovery Bibliography

In substance use disorders treatment, much attention is paid to what happens during acute episodes of treatment. There is often significant emphasis on treatment issues, such as treatment approach, therapeutic alliance, client retention, family involvement, cultural competency, and pharmacological intervention. The importance of the ongoing recovery process is sometimes not given sufficient attention. It is crucial to identify and address clients’ needs for case management, continuing care, housing, employment, transportation, education, life skills, social support—all the things that help clients reintegrate into the community, build a meaningful life, and sustain their recovery.

Blume, S. (1977). Role of the recovered alcoholic in the treatment of alcoholism. In B. Kissin & H.   Begliester (Eds.) The Biology of Alcoholism, Volume 5: Treatment and Rehabilitation of the Chronic Alcoholic. New York: Plenum Press, 545-565.

Bond, J., Kaskutas, L., & Weisner, C. (2003). The persistent influence of social networks and Alcoholics Anonymous on abstinence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 64(4):579-588.

Borkman, T. (1998). Is recovery planning any different from treatment planning? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 15(1):37-42.

Boyle, M.G., White, W.L., et al. Behavioral Health Recovery Management: A Statement of Principles. Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project. Peoria, IL: Fayette Companies; Bloomington, IL: Chestnut Health Systems.

Broome, M., Simpson, D.D., & Joe, G.W. (2002). The role of social support following short-term inpatient treatment. Journal on Addictions, 11(1):57-65.

Cloud, W., & Granfield, R. (2001). Natural recovery from substance dependency: Lessons for treatment providers. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 1(1):83-104.

Coyhis, D., & White, W. (2002). Addiction and recovery in Native America: Lost history, enduring lessons. Counselor, 3(5):16-20.

Dennis, M., Scott, C.K., & Funk, R. (2003). An experimental evaluation of recovery management checkups (RMC) for people with chronic substance use disorders. Evaluation and Program Planning,  26(3):339-352.

Dodd, M.H. (1997). Social model of recovery: Origin, early features, changes, and future. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 29(2):133-139.

Frese, F.J., Stanley, J., et al. (2001). Integrating evidence-based practices and the recovery model.  Psychiatric  Services, 52(11):1462-1468.

Galanter, M. (2002). Healing through social and spiritual affiliation. Psychiatric Services, 53(9):1072-1074.

Gordon, A.J., & Zrull, M. (1991). Social networks and recovery: One year after inpatient treatment.  Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,    8(3):146-152.

Gorski, T.T., & Kelley, J.M. (1996). Counselor’s Manual for Relapse Prevention With Chemically Dependent Criminal Offenders. Technical Assistance Publication (TAP) Series No. 19. DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 96-3115. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Granfield, R., & Cloud, W. (2001). Social capital and natural recovery: The role of social resources and relationships in overcoming addiction without treatment. Substance Use &  Misuse,  36(11):1543-1549.

Gregoire, T.K., & Snively, C.A. (2001). The relationship of social support and economic self- sufficiency to substance abuse outcomes in a long-term recovery program for women. Journal  of  Drug  Education, 31(3):221-237.

Humphreys, K. (2004). Circles of Recovery: Self-Help Organizations for Addictions. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Kirby, M.W. (2004). Self-help organizations for alcohol and drug problems: Toward evidence- based practice and policy. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,    26(3):161-162.

Laudet, A.B. (April 2005). Exploring the recovery process: Patterns, supports, challenges and future directions. Presented at the Seminar Series of the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research, conducted at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery.

Laudet, A.B., Magura, S., et al. (2000). Recovery challenges among dually diagnosed individuals. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 18(4):321-329.

Lemieux, C.M. (2002). Social support among offenders with substance abuse problems: Overlooked and underused? Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 23:41-57.

Longabaugh, R. (2003). Involvement of support networks in treatment. Recent Developments in Alcoholism, 16:133-147.

McIntosh, J., & McKeganey, N. (2000). The recovery from dependent drug use: Addicts’ strategies for reducing the risk of relapse. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 7(2): 179-192.

McLellan, A., McKay, J., et al. (2005). Reconsidering the evaluation of addiction treatment: From retrospective follow-up to concurrent recovery monitoring. Addiction, 100(4): 447-458.

Moxley, D.P., & Washington, O.G. (2001). Strengths-based recovery practice in chemical dependency: A transpersonal perspective. Families in Society: the Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 82(3):251-262.

Nebelkopf, E., & Phillips, M. (2003). Morning star rising: Healing in Native American communities. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,  35(1):1-5.

Snow, M.G., Prochaska, J.O., & Rossi, J.S. (1994). Processes of change in Alcoholics Anonymous: Maintenance factors in long term sobriety. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 55(3):362-371.

Sullivan, E., Mino, M., et al. (2002). Families as a Resource in Recovery From Drug Abuse: An Evaluation of la Bodega de la Familia. New York, NY: Vera Institute of Justice.

Tims, F.M., Leukefeld, C.G., & Platt, J.J. (Eds.) (2001). Relapse and Recovery in Addictions.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

White, W. (1996). Pathways From the Culture of Addiction to the Culture of Recovery: A Travel Guide for Addiction Professionals. Center City, MN: Hazelden.

White, W. (2002). An Addiction Recovery Glossary: The Languages of American Communities of Recovery. Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project. Peoria, IL: Fayette Companies; Bloomington, IL: Chestnut Health Systems.

White, W. (2004). Recovery: The new frontier. Counselor, 5(1):18-21.

White, W. (2004). Recovery Rising: Radical Recovery in America. Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project. Peoria, IL: Fayette Companies; Bloomington, IL: Chestnut Health Systems.

White, W., Boyle, M., & Loveland, D. (2003). A model to transcend the limitations of addiction treatment.  Behavioral  Health  Management, 23(3):38-44.

White, W., Boyle, M., et al. (2004). What Is Behavioral Health Recovery Management? A Brief Primer. Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project. Peoria, IL: Fayette Companies; Bloomington, IL: Chestnut Health Systems.

White, W., & Sanders, M. (2004). Recovery Management and People of Color: Redesigning Addiction Treatment for Historically Disempowered Communities. Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project. Peoria, IL: Fayette Companies; Bloomington, IL: Chestnut Health Systems.

White Bison, Inc. (2002). The Red Road to Wellbriety: In the Native American Way. Colorado Springs, CO: White Bison, Inc.


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