Module 8

Self Assessment Questionnaire – Individual Differences

Self-Assessment Questionnaire—Individual Differences

Please take a few minutes to think about the following characteristics. Be honest. There are no wrong answers.

  • How literate YOU are
  • What YOU notice in others from different cultures
  • Personal characteristics that get YOUR attention in others
 Characteristic  Very Somewhat Not At All I need to work on this
Y  N
How literate are you in each the following areas?
Industry/Position literacy/competency level—validated use of knowledge of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective requirements of the job
Functional literacy—level of literacy required to get along successfully on a day-to-day basis.
Information literacy The ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.
Emotional literacy—ability to recognize, understand and appropriately express our emotions
Computer literacy—ability to use a computer and software to accomplish practical tasks.
Media literacy—ability to think critically about different types of media; an informed, critical understanding of the mass media
New Media Literacies—knowledge of new and emerging media in digital mediums and on the Internet, involving the new tools of hypertext, multimedia and electronic forms of synchronous and asynchronous communication
Digital literacycognitive skills used in executing tasks in digital environments; digital (data) technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.
Technology literacy—ability to use tools for finding, using and creating information to communicate, solve problems, access, manage, integrate, evaluate, design and create information; using the specialized aspects of a particular field to improve learning and acquire lifelong knowledge skills.
Cultural literacy Cultural literacy is the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences in the customs, values, and beliefs of one’s own culture the cultures of others
Culture/Ethnic Background:
How aware are you about each of the following characteristics in others?
Very Somewhat Not At All I need to work on this
Y  N
  • Language (first or primary)
  • Diet/eating habits
  • Value/belief system
  • Gender beliefs
  • Past Experiences
  • Family status
  • Religion
Individual Characteristics:
How likely are you to notice each of the following characteristics and form an opinion?
Very Somewhat Not At All I need to work on this
Y  N
  • Appearance
  • Demographic origin
  • Personality style
  • Learning style
  • Readiness to learn
  • Readiness to change
  • Motivation, behavioral intention, level of accountability
  • Life stage

  • -physical
  • -mental
  • -social
  • -sensory
  • -cognitive
  • Impairments:  Physical, mental, social, sensory, cognitive and required workplace accommodations
  • Communication style and needs
  • Socio-economic, financial status
What thoughts do you have after completing the assessment?
What surprises you?
Where do you see yourself forming the most opinions of others?
What concerns do you have?




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