Embedding into Canvas

Your embeded H5P will always updated (be synced) so you won’t need to re-embed even if you make changes to your activity.

Step 1: Find the Embed Code

Locate the H5P activity you’d like to embed.

where h5p is located in a pressbook

At the bottom of the activity, you may see an “embed” button in grey lettering.

embed code location

Copy the code

embed code

Step 2: Open the HTML Editor in Canvas

Open up an editable page in Canvas. Clicking on the HTML editor icon will change the viewing mode so that you can add your code.


Step 3: Insert the Embed Code Into the HTML Editor and Save

Paste your copied code into the place on the page where you want the activity to go. Click “Save” or “Save and Publish.”


Icon for the Public Domain license

This work (Embedding into Canvas by Ro McKernan) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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