Lesson 1: Aging Well


United States Administration on Aging, Administration on Community Living

The principal agency of the US department of Health and Human Services designated to implement provisions of the Older Americans Act. The Older Americans Act is the founding legislation of the aging network and provides services and supports designed to help older adults live independently in the homes and communities.

Offers information and resources on many topics, including:

  • Older Adults
  • People with Disabilities
  • Families and Caregivers

This website also provides comprehensive information on aging policy and policy initiatives.

National Council on Aging

A national non-profit organization dedicated to improving health, well-being and economic security of older adults.

Source of information and resources in the following areas:

  • Healthy Aging Resources
  • Public Policy Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Center for the Disease Control is one of the major components of the US Department of Health and Human Services focused on public health and on promoting health and health security.

Additional information and resources in the following areas:

Social Security and Medicare

Comprehensive information on federal economic and health care policy and programs supporting older adults and people with disabilities.  A resource for care coordinators who assist people to understand and apply for benefits.

American Society on Aging

National non-profit association dedicated to enhancing the skills of people who seek to improve the quality of life of older adults and their families. Providers conferences and webinars, and publishes the award-winning journal, Generations.

Additional information resources can be found in the following areas:

Top Fifty Aging Blogs

Resources for Healthcare Administration

A reviewed and rate compendium of social media activity and blogs focused on aging and aging resources. Excellent information and assignment resource for teachers and students.


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Care Navigation of Older Adults by Whatcom Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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