Module 6: Vulnerabilities

Module 6 Team Activity


Student teams continue to build a description of the operating environment for their sector-based organization, describing how they would use vulnerability scanning and/or penetration testing to evaluate threat potentials.


Module 6 Learning Objective # Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Team Activity Objectives
6.5 Understand Identify vulnerability assessment techniques and tools, such as CSET, Nessus, and other assessment tools.
6.6 Understand Explain the differences between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.


Having identified threats that would be likely to impact your sector-based organization in the Module 5 Team Activity, consider how you would use vulnerability scanning and/or penetration testing to evaluate additional threat potentials. What tools would you use, and how could they impact the availability of a real-time control and/or SCADA system?

Look for passive penetration tools and tests that will not take the control and/or SCADA systems down.

 Assignment Options

Option 1: Write a 2-page abstract summarizing your team’s rationale for using vulnerability scanning and/or penetration testing. What tools would your team use, and how could these decisions impact the availability of a real-time control and/or SCADA system?

Option 2: Prepare 2–3 presentation slides summarizing your team’s rationale for using vulnerability scanning and/or penetration testing. What tools would your team use, and how could these decisions impact the availability of a real-time control and/or SCADA system?

Grading Criteria Rubric

  • Content
  • Evidence of teamwork
  • References
  • Use of American Psychological Association (APA) style in writing the assignment

Grade Points: 100


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