Module 8: Remediation

Module 8 Team Activity


Based on the risks that teams identified for their sector-based organization’s infrastructure in Module 7, student teams identify appropriate security controls to mitigate these risks.


Module 8 Learning Objective # Revised Bloom’sTaxonomy Team Activity Objectives
8.4 Understand Identify remediation techniques in an ICS network including routers, firewall technology, and tools for configuring firewalls and routers.
8.7 Apply Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and assess vulnerabilities in ICS networks.
8.8 Understand Explain and make recommendations for remediation strategies in an ICS network.

Using the CSET tool reports and identification of gaps in security from Module 7, develop a list of controls to be implemented to close the gaps and mitigate these risks.

Assignment Options

Option 1: Write a 2-page abstract summarizing the security controls your team would use to mitigate specific risks, based on the CSET gaps report.

Option 2: Prepare 2–3 presentation slides describing the security controls your team would use to mitigate specific risks, based on the CSET gaps report.

 Grading Criteria Rubric

  • Content
  • Evidence of teamwork
  • References
  • Use of American Psychological Association (APA) style in writing the assignment

Grade Points: 100


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Critical Infrastructure Systems by NCyTE Center is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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