Special note about linear regression and diagnostics: This process will allow you to compute the values for the linear regression, the correlation coefficient, and the coefficient of determination.
- Make sure you have already turned on your diagnostics, as described above.
- Input the data points into two lists (one for the x-values and one for the y-values) using to the procedure above.
- Press STAT.
- Press the right arrow key to scroll over to the CALC menu.
- Press the down arrow key to scroll down until LinReg(a+bx) is highlighted and press ENTER.
- Input the list in which the x-values are stored next to “XList.”
- Input the list in which the y-values are stored next to “YList.”
- Leave FreqList blank.
- Next to “StoreRegEQ,” input Y1 by pressing VARS, press the right arrow key to highlight Y-VARS, and press ENTER twice.
- Highlight Calculate and press ENTER. The calculator should display the desired values.
- Press Zoom and 9 (ZoomStat) to view the scatterplot and LinReg line.