Unit Four: Systems Oriented Practice

Chapter 20: Developing infrastructure for referrals and referral feedback, & patient follow-up schedules.

Unit Four: Class Five

Learning Objectives

4.5.1. Describe the basic infrastructure for the referral process in a primary care office.
4.5.2. List three ways the referral process can be improved by Accountable Care Organizations and Collaborative Care.
4.5.3. Explain the importance of clear institutional policy and patient follow-up to insure the success of referrals (whether they are inter or intra-office).
4.5.4. Describe ways to engage the patient in the referral process, improve compliance, and patient satisfaction.

Reading Assignments and Videos

Online Articles:


Optional Online Articles:

The Collaborative Care Toolkit:

Online Videos:

Workflow, brief intervention for primary care:

IHI, Connie Davis, RN, MN, ARNP; Co-Director of the Centre for Collaboration, Motivation, and Innovation
  • What Is Brief Action Planning?
  • Link: http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resources/Pages/AudioandVideo/ConnieDavis-WhatIsBriefActionPlanning.aspx
ATTC Network Videos (4 videos: 4 min, 11 min, 10 min, 12 min)


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Integrating Behavioral Health & Primary Care by Whatcom Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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